Centre d'Education a Distance du Benin (CED-Benin)Telephone+229 94 18 63 18Website: | Kenya School of Government - eLearning and Development Institute (KSG-eLDI)Telephone: (+)254 722 770599Website: | GDLN Regional Association for Africa: Association of African Distance Learning Centers – AADLCWebsite: | Centre d’Education a Distance du Senegal (CED-Senegal)Website: |
Centre de Formation Continue a Distance du Cameroun (CFCD) | Madagascar Development Learning CenterTelephone: +261 320 740 | Centre de Formation et d’Echanges a Distance de Mauritanie (CFED)Telephone: +222 525 8491 | Tanzania Global Learning Agency (TaGLA)Telephone: +225 748-700 700Website: |
Centre d’Education a Distance de Cote d’Ivoire (CED-CI)Telephone: +225 22 41 9443Website: | Centre de Formation pour le Developpement (CFD Mali)Website: | Nigeria-Global Distance Learning InstituteTelephone: +234 090 962 88929Website: | Uganda Management Institute - Distance Learning Center (UMI DLC)Telephone: +256 784 458992Website: |
Ethiopian Civil Service CollegeTelephone: +251 91 204 9045 |
Australia National University Crawford School Telephone: +61 2 6125 4705 Website: | Australia Blended Learning International Telephone: +61 0448 998 048 Website: | Leading Initiatives Worldwide(LIW) Telephone: +61 2 9968 2777 Website: | Aviation Strategies International Telephone: +1 514 398 0909 Website: |
Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute(AFDI) Telephone: +86 10 8573 0909 Website: | China National Academy of Governance(CAG) Website: | China Adult Education Association Telephone: +86 10 58582114 Website: | China Development Bank Telephone: +86 10 68306688 Website: |
China Distance Development Learning Network(CDDLN)Management Center Telephone: +86 10 6369 1773 Website: | China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges(CICETE) Telephone: +86 10 84000588, 85093020 Website: | Chongqing DLC Telephone: +86 23 62775067 website: | International Poverty Reduction Center in China(IPRCC) Telephone: +86 10 59195799 Website: |
National Development and Reform Committee(NDRC) Website: | University of the South Pacific Telephone: +679 323 1000 Website: | Financial Education and Training Agency(FETA) Telephone: +62 21 739 4666 ext.208 Website: | Hasanuddin University Makassar Telephone:+62 811 5003636 Website: |
University of Indonesia Jakarta DLC Telephone: +62 21 31906164 Website: | Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI) Website: | SEAMEO SEAMOLEC Telephone:+62 21 742 3725, 742 4154 99101839 Website: | University of Riau Telephone: +07 61 63266 Website: |
KDI School of Public Policy and Management Telephone: +82 44 550 1171 Website:, www. | Business School of the National University of Mongolia Telephone: +62 81 146 7342 Website: | Mongolian Productivity Organization Telephone: +976 75754400, 77307730 Website: | Asian Institute of Management Telephone: +63 2 8892 4011 Website: |
SEAMEO INNOTECH Telephone: +632 8 924 7681 to 84, 928 7348 Website: | University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: +63 82 227 8192 Website: | Chulalongkorn University-Thailand Center of Academic Resources Telephone: + 66 2218 2929 Website: | Ho Chi Minh City Development Learning Center from Vietnam(HDLC) Ho Chi Minh Cadre Academy Telephone: +028 22437830 Website: |
2020 GDLN Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
Twenty-one members from eight countries participated in the GDLN Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting via video conference on July 6th, 2020 hosted by KDI School of Public Policy and Management. The GDLN Affiliates reported on the programs that have been delivered and forthcoming, reported on new members and possible GDLN network expansion, and discussed on the planning of the GDLN 20th Anniversary Celebration
University of Banja LukaTelephone: +387 65 594 259Website:http;// | University of International BusinessTelephone: +7 3272 | Universiteit van AmsterdamTelephone+31 6 514 59 117Website: | Center for Excellence in Finance, LjubljanaTelephone: +386 1 369 |
Croatian Academic and Research NetworkTelephone: +385 91 145 | Kaunas University of TechnologyTelephone: +370 37 | Regional Center of InformatizationTelephone+7 3422 | Middle East Technical University (METU)Telephone: +90 312 210 4012Website: |
Institut de Regulation et d'AutomationTelephone: +33 (0) 78852 4909Website: | Vilnius Distance Education CentreTelephone: +370 698 | Modern University for the HumanitiesTelephone+7 495 | Institute for Leadership, Innovations and Development, KiyvTelephone: +38 044 |
International Development Law OrganizationTelephone: +39 06 40403265Website: | Conference and Study CenterTelephone: +389 2 3135 | Kabardino-Balkarian State UniversityTelephone+7 866 242-25-60Website: | The Aid for Trade Foundation, WorthingTelephone: +0 1903 242 499Website: |
Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseno y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires [UBA]Telephone: 54-11-15-3033-0381 | Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL)Telephone: 593-72570275 ext 2908 | Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG)Telephone: 5233-36488824 | Fundacion de Investigacion y Desarrollo de la Universidad Simon Bolivar, FUNINDES-USBTelephone: 212-906-3920 |
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, MendozaTelephone: 54-02-61-413-5192 | Asociación Conexión al Desarrollo El SalvadorTelephone: 503-2279-4612 ext. 115 | Instituto Tecnológico de MonterreyTelephone: +52 811646 1700 | Universidad Catolica Andres Bello (UCAB)Telephone: 58-212-407-4586 |
Escuela Plurinacional de CapacitaciónTelephone: 591-27571001 | Universidad Rafael LandivarTelephone: 502-2426-2626 | Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN)Telephone: 5255-57296000 ext. 51679 | MEJORAR , C.A. , MaracaiboTelephone: 58-0261-7434773 |
Universidade de Brasilia (UNB)Telephone: 55-61-31-07-41-25 | Asociación Nacional de IndustrialesTelephone: 504-99219440 | Centro de Capacitacion a Distancia de Nicaragua (C-CAD)Telephone: 2548003-05 | Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacin (URBE) |
UVirtual ChileTelephone56-97-668-4525 | University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) | Fundación Ciudad del SaberTelephone: 507-317-0111 | Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas (UNIMET)Telephone: 58-212-240-3510 |
Universidad del Norte, BarranquillaTelephone: 575-3509491 | Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras, San Pedro SulaTelephone: 504-551-2228 | Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la AsunciónTelephone: 595-21-494-197 | Universidad de los Andes, Caracas (UNIANDES)Telephone: 58-274-240-2435 |
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperacion para la Agricultura (IICA)Telephone: 506-2216-0265 | Centro de Aprendizaje a Distancia TegucigalpaTelephone: 504-228-0658 | Pontificia Universidad Católica de PeruTelephone: 511-980123042 | Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala |
Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED)Telephone: 506-2527-2657 | University of Technology, Kingston (UTECH)Telephone: 876-512-2197 | Fundacion Centro de Educacion a Distancia para el Desarrollo Economico y Tecnologico, CEDDETTelephone: 34-91-376-88-00 | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. UNAN-León |
Instituto Nacional de Administración Publica [INAP] | Universidad Veracruzana Virtual | Universidad ORT Uruguay, MontevideoTelephone: 598-2-9021505 | Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI) |
Escuela Regional de Políticas Públicas USAC | Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán | Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Nicaragua | Universidad de Panamá |
Kabul UniversityTelephone: +93 785 504 620Website: | The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI)Telephone: +91 11 2460 2100Website: | Centre for Biomedical and Biomaterials Research (CBBR)Telephone: +230 525 23093Website: | Sri Lanka Distance Learning CenterTelephone: +94 11 2554946Website: |
Ministry of Communication and ITTelephone: +93 77 28 31 305 | Administrative Staff College of IndiaTelephone: +91 40 6653 4221Website: | Nepal Research and Education Network (NREN)Telephone: +977 985 108 | |
BRAC University Distance Learning CenterTelephone: +88 02 882 4051Website: | Centre for Innovations in Public SystemsTelephone: +91 040 699 | Higher Education Commission, Islamabad (HEC)Telephone: +92 0333 9963455Website: |
89 Partners (GDLN Affiliates)
57 Countries
Diverse Memberships
The affiliates includes: universities, think tanks, governmental organization with a high degree of commitment to horizontal partnerships

Innovative Cooperation
GDLN is increasingly linked to the global South-South agenda and its innovative way of doing development cooperation
Regional and Global
At the regional level, the network is governed by its Regional Associations, while the GDLN Board is responsible on the global level.
- The applicant needs to demonstrate at least one of the three GDLN core competencies :
- The brokering and/or provision of relevant sources of development content and expertise
- The design and packaging of content and expertise into effective knowledge and learning programs and activities (blended learning)
- The systematic delivery of those programs using a wide range of appropriate methods and technologies
- The applicant must show commitment to work in partnership with other GDLN Affiliates in planning and implementing activities.
- The applicant must show evidence of having experience in the field of development learning (learning within an international development context) or commitment to invest in development learning activities.
- The applicant must demonstrate it can bring added value to the GDLN.
- Finally the applicant must present two references, preferably from existing GDLN Affiliates or other development organizations, supporting the above criteria.

When a potential Affiliate believes it meets the above mentioned criteria, an official application can be submitted. This includes the following steps:
- Applicant fills in the online application form, providing information and answering questions that cover the access criteria mentioned above and submit this to the concerned Regional Association.
- The application will be processed by the concerned GDLN Regional Association who will review and verify the information provided by the applicant. The Regional Association may decide to request additional information if any point needs to be clarified.
- The concerned Regional Association will identify the core competences of the applicant and take a final decision on the application. This decision will be forwarded to the responsible regional representative of the Global Board. The Regional Association will also inform the Global Secretariat.
- The applicant will be invited to become a member of the concerned Regional Association. A signed agreement can be part of this obligation.
- Upon acceptance, an official confirmation letter will be sent to the applicant by the Regional Association, together with an official welcome letter signed by the chair of the GDLN Board. The GDLN membership will be for a 3 year period and is in principle automatically renewed.
- Regional Associations will report on a regular basis to the Global Board on the progress of the application process, including an overview of GDLN Affiliates who joined recently.
The information provided by the Affiliate will also be used to create the profile of the Affiliate on GDLN Global Online, the global community platform and shared with the other GDLN Affiliates.
This affiliation strategy facilitates GDLN’s commitment to continue to grow into a quality development learning network that is attractive for both clients and Affiliates. Opening up the network for new Affiliates and stimulating interactions in the network will ultimately generate more business opportunities for the Affiliates.To reach this, all GDLN Affiliates (existing and new) commit themselves to:
- A minimum level of membership engagement in the network, through actively initiating and/or participating in joint GDLN activities. Also, Affiliates commit themselves to contribute to the GDLN decision making and collaborative processes and to get actively involved in the future development of the network (regional discussions, contributions on GDLN Global online, etc).
- To deliver various GDLN products and services in accordance with an agreed set of performance standards. This may entail feedback systems and the introduction of more formalized mechanisms to stimulate the exchange of information on the performance of Affiliates between Affiliates in a given region and eventually across regions.
The Regional Associations will be responsible for tracking both membership engagement and performance of Affiliates in their region and will summarize this in annual reports, to be submitted to the GDLN Global Board. A simple score card will be generated on an annual basis, and made available for all Affiliates, including ratings of green (3 or more GDLN activities per year), yellow (less than 3 activities per year) and red (zero activity). The Regional Associations are free to use their own tools and methods to collect the data from their Affiliates, including the Affiliate profile whenever it has been completed. The ultimate consequence for Affiliates which are underperforming and lacking willingness to improve would be a non-renewal of their membership.